A 9-year-old girl presented with jaundice, abdominal distension, hematemesis, melena and pleural effusion
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A 9-year-old girl of non-consanguineous parents presented at the outpatient department with the history of jaundice and abdominal distension for 20 days and respiratory distress for 7 days. She also complained of bloody vomiting without any melena. The mother gave the history of abdominal pain for 2 days which was diffuse in nature. Her menarche had not started yet. Her younger sister is healthy. She had no history of fever, constipation, family history of liver disease, sib death, contact with known tuberculosis patient, blood transfusion or parenteral medication. On examination, she was afebrile, moderately pale, dyspnea and leukonychia. Bilateral pedal edema was present.