In vitro Regeneration of Picralima nitida (Stapf). T. Durand & H. using Zygotic Embryo


  • - Kamdem Physiology and Plant Improvement Unit, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environment, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Nehemie Tchinda Donfagsiteli Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Research Centre, Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, P.O. Box 6163, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Njoueretou Mfondi Mache Physiology and Plant Improvement Unit, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environment, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Carine Temegne Nono Physiology and Plant Improvement Unit, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environment, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Rodrigue Goimasse Physiology and Plant Improvement Unit, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environment, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Leila Zebaze Zambou Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Research Centre, Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, P.O. Box 6163, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Justine Germo Nzweundji Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Research Centre, Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, P.O. Box 6163, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Emmanuel Youmbi Physiology and Plant Improvement Unit, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environment, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Libert Brice Tonfack Physiology and Plant Improvement Unit, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Environment, Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde, Cameroon



2,4-D, acclimatisation, Disinfection, Picralima nitida regeneration, Zygotic embryogenesis


Disinfected mature seed embryos of Picralima nitida, were cultured in MS medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of 2,4-D, BAP and NAA to determine an efficient protocol for in vitro propagation. Nine culture media made of combination of different components were used in a factorial design with three replications. Results showed up to 80 ± 4% disinfection rate with combination of triton x- 100 (0.2%) and sodium hypochlorite (30%). Embryo germination was highest on control medium. Rooting was higher (2±1 roots per embryo) after 4 weeks on control medium and on BAP supplemented medium at 0.8 μM while the longest root (1.5±0.5 cm) was observed on 2,4-D supplemented medium at 1.8 μM. Black soil was suitable for leaf formation (4 ± 2 leaves) and shoot elongation (2±1 cm) after 8 weeks in acclimatisation. These results show efficient disinfection, regeneration and acclimatisation of Picralima nitida.

Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 31(2): 143-151, 2021 (December)


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How to Cite

Kamdem, .-., Donfagsiteli, N. T., Mache, N. M., Nono, C. T., Goimasse, R. ., Zambou, L. Z. ., Nzweundji, J. G. ., Youmbi, E. ., & Tonfack, L. B. . (2022). In vitro Regeneration of Picralima nitida (Stapf). T. Durand & H. using Zygotic Embryo. Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, 31(2), 143–151.


