About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Plant Tissue culture scientists in Bangladesh felt an urgent need to establish a separate organization to promote research in tissue culture and related areas and popularize the applied side of this science for the economic benefit of the country. Thus came into being in 1991, the Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture (BAPTC) with a biannual journal captioned, PTC Journal to publish scholarly research articles of its members and at the same time keeping it open to scientists outside the country. BAPTC soon realized that tissue culture without genetic engineering has limited uses; so in order to keep abreast with modern trends, the Association's name was changed to BAPTC&B; so also the name of the journal as PTC&B journal to include research articles in specific areas of plant biotechnology. The journal also publishes review articles and has been gradually introducing new features such as 'News and Views' and 'Book Review'.
Early in the century, most of the journals in the developed countries began publishing articles online. BAPTC&B followed suit and since 2002 the journal has been publishing articles online and full articles are now accessible free of cost to browsers in the Association's website (http://www.baptcb.org). The journal is now in its 18th year of publication and is Indexed by Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases.
The journal has proved a regional publishing medium for scientists of the Indian subcontinent, the South East and the Middle East countries, Africa to publish their tissue culture and molecular biology related research findings.
Publication Frequency
The journal is biannual and is published in June and December.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.