Estimation of arsenic in nail using silver diethyldithiocarbamate method


  • Habiba Akhter Bhuiyan Division of Arsenic Research, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Science and Paraclinical Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka
  • Kipchu Tshering Division of Arsenic Research, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Science and Paraclinical Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka
  • Mir Misbahuddin Division of Arsenic Research, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Science and Paraclinical Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka



Arsenic, Nail, Silver diethyldithiocarbamate, Arsine


Spectrophotometric method of arsenic estimation in nails has four steps: a) washing of nails, b) digestion of nails, c) arsenic generation, and finally d) reading absorbance using spectrophotometer. Although the method is a cheapest one, widely used and effective, it is time consuming, laborious and need caution while using four acids.  

Video Clips

Nail wash:                 3.2 min

Digestion of nail:        7.0 min

Arsine generation:     10.0 min

Reading absorbance:   1.2 min 



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Author Biographies

Habiba Akhter Bhuiyan, Division of Arsenic Research, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Science and Paraclinical Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka

Scientific Officer

Kipchu Tshering, Division of Arsenic Research, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Science and Paraclinical Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka

MD student

Mir Misbahuddin, Division of Arsenic Research, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Science and Paraclinical Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka


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How to Cite

Bhuiyan, Habiba Akhter, et al. “Estimation of Arsenic in Nail Using Silver Diethyldithiocarbamate Method”. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 10, no. 3, July 2015, pp. 513-7, doi:10.3329/bjp.v10i3.23644.



Visual Experiment