Mass of the Vermiform Appendix in Bangladeshi People


  • M Mahbubur Rahman Curator of Anatomy, Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh-2006
  • Mohsin Khalil Professor and Head of Anatomy, Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh-2006
  • Mansur Khalil Deputed to Centre for Medical Education, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
  • Mst Khurshida Jahan Resident Surgeon (Gynecology and Obstetrics), Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh-2006
  • M Shafiquazzaman Clinical Pathologist, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh-2006
  • Bilkis Parvin Medical Officer, Pediatric out door, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh-2006



Human Vermiform, Appendix, Weight, Lymphatic, Follicle


This study was done to measure the weight of vermiform appendix in Bangladeshi people to augment the data regarding variational anatomy in our setting. A total 100 vermiform appendix (male - 60, female - 40) were excised from cadaver of different age and sex during routine post mortem examination in the autopsy laboratory of Forensic Medicine Department of Mymensingh Medical College. This cross-sectional study was done by convenient sampling technique. The weight depended on length and thickness. The weight decreases gradually with advancing age probably decreasing number of lymphatic follicle and that replaced by connective tissue. Lymphatic follicles were examined and estimated by microscope. For convenience of differentiating the weight of vermiform appendix in relation to age and sex, specimens were categorized in four age groups (up to 20 year, 21 - 35 years, 36 - 55 years, 56 - 70 years). Mean weight of vermiform appendix was maximum in group - B (4.07 ± SE 0.82 gm) and minimum in group D (3.01 ± SE 0.74 gm). The weight range was from 2 gm (group - D) to 5.50 gm (group - B). Diameter of lymphatic follicle was largest 43.08 micrometer in group-A, and least diameter was 3.08 micrometer in group - D. The range of number of lymphatic follicle was 1 to 6. Mean number of lymphatic follicle in male was 4.48 & in female were 5.40.

Key Words: Human Vermiform, Appendix, Weight, Lymphatic, Follicle  

doi: 10.3329/jbsp.v3i0.1787

J Bangladesh Soc Physiol.2008 Dec;(3):8-12.


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How to Cite

Rahman, M. M., Khalil, M., Khalil, M., Jahan, M. K., Shafiquazzaman, M., & Parvin, B. (2009). Mass of the Vermiform Appendix in Bangladeshi People. Journal of Bangladesh Society of Physiologist, 3, 8–12.


