About the Journal
Aims and Scope
Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal that aims to publish high-quality papers to make them rapidly available to researchers nationwide and worldwide.
Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security publishes high quality and novelty scientific papers focusing on Food Safety and Security (Food Microbiology, Food Microbial Ecology, Microbial and Chemical Risk Assessment, Food Hygiene, Food Safety, Food Fermentation, Food Process Systems Design and Control, Food Packaging Technology, Public Health Nutrition, Policy Matters in Nutrition and Food Safety, Economic, Social and Technological Aspects of Global Food Security and so on).
Open Access Policy
The Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security adheres to the I4OC standard for open citations, ensuring that all content is accessible to users or institutions free of charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition of open access.
All articles published by Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are made freely and permanently accessible online. All articles to Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. All articles will be assigned a unique Crossref DOI number (Digital Object Identifier), whereby they become searchable and citable without delay.
The articles in Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are open access articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Digital Preservation
Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security is registered in Open Policy Finder (formerly known as Sherpa Romeo), which is an online resource that aggregates and presents publisher and journal open access policies from around the world. The articles in Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are deposited as Crossref metadata which are preserved by the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system.
Editorial Process
The AAJFSS is committed to upholding the highest standards of content quality and ethical integrity through a meticulous editorial process. The journal adheres to a well-defined editorial workflow, as illustrated in the accompanying flow chart, to ensure these standards are met.
The editorial process for the AAJFSS typically involves the following stages-
Submission of the manuscript: The process begins when authors submit their research manuscripts to AAJFSS for potential publication. Authors are required to follow the journal’s submission guidelines, which typically include manuscript structure, reference format, and file type.
Technical check: Upon manuscript submission, it undergoes a technical check. This step ensures that the manuscript complies with AAJFSS’s specific formatting and submission requirements. It includes evaluating the manuscript’s structure, adherence to reference formatting, and compatibility with the required file format.
Similarity check: To maintain academic integrity and ethical publishing standards, a similarity check is performed on the submitted manuscript. Specialized software, such as iThenticate/Turnitin, may be employed to identify any instances of plagiarism or excessive similarity to previously published works.
Editor assigned: Once the manuscript passes the initial checks, it is assigned to an editor with expertise in the relevant field. The editor’s role is to oversee the review process, facilitate communication between authors and reviewers, and make editorial decisions based on peer review feedback.
Peer review: The assigned editor selects peer reviewers who are experts in the field of submitted manuscript. These reviewers evaluate the manuscript’s quality, methodology, significance, and validity. They provide detailed comments and recommendations to the editor (for more details, please refer to the review policy).
Editorial decision: Following the peer review process, the editor makes a decision regarding the manuscript. This decision can result in several outcomes:
- Acceptance: If the manuscript is deemed suitable for publication without further revisions, it is accepted.
- Minor revision: Authors are asked to make minor changes or revisions to address specific issues or suggestions from peer reviewers.
- Major revision: Authors are required to make significant changes, which may involve conducting additional experiments or analyses to strengthen the manuscript.
- Rejection: Manuscripts that do not meet the journal’s quality standards or the recommendations of peer reviewers may be rejected.
Minor/major revision: If revisions are requested, authors receive feedback and guidance from peer reviewers and the editor. Authors are expected to address these comments and suggestions in their revised manuscript.
Revision reviewed by editor: After authors make revisions, the editor reviews the revised manuscript to ensure that all suggested changes have been adequately addressed. The editor plays a pivotal role in the final decision-making process.
Rejection after revision: Manuscripts that fail to meet the journal’s quality standards or do not adequately address the reviewers’ concerns may be rejected at this stage.
Send for more revision: If the revisions remain incomplete or unsatisfactory, authors may be asked to make further revisions until the manuscript aligns with the journal’s standards and reviewers’ expectations.
Similarity check for revised manuscript: To verify that any potential issues of plagiarism or excessive similarity have been resolved in the revised manuscript, a similarity check may be repeated.
Accepted: Once the manuscript fully aligns with the journal’s standards and the editor’s satisfaction, it is formally accepted for publication, pending the completion of subsequent steps.
Author invoice: Authors may receive an invoice for publication fees, depending on the journal’s policies. These fees can vary and may cover various publication costs.
Copyediting: The manuscript undergoes a copyediting process to rectify language, grammar, style, and formatting issues. This step ensures that the manuscript is clear, consistent, and adheres to AAJFSS’s editorial standards.
English editing: In cases where English is not the author’s native language, additional English editing may be performed to enhance the manuscript’s readability and overall quality.
Galley proof approval: Authors receive a formatted version of the manuscript, often referred to as “galley proof.” They review and approve this final version to check for any remaining errors or issues before publication. This step is crucial to ensure the manuscript’s accuracy and readiness for publication.
Publication: Upon final approval, the manuscript is officially published in AAJFSS. It becomes accessible to the scientific community and readers. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is typically assigned for reference purposes, and the manuscript is archived within the journal, making it part of its scholarly record.
Plagiarism Policy
The AAJFSS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in scholarly publishing. Plagiarism, in any form, is considered a serious violation of academic and ethical standards. AAJFSS has a strict plagiarism policy in place to ensure the originality of the work we publish.
The texts or work submitted to AAJFSS will be considered as plagiarized, which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Direct copying of text, data, or ideas from another source, including published papers, without proper citation.
- Paraphrasing or rephrasing someone else’s work without proper acknowledgment.
- Self-plagiarism, which includes the reuse of one’s own previously published work without appropriate citation and permission.
- Verbatim or near-verbatim translation of text from another language without appropriate citation.
- Unauthorized use of images, figures, tables, or any intellectual property without proper attribution.
Consequences of plagiarism
Authors are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct. If plagiarism or any form of academic misconduct is detected, AAJFSS follows a strict protocol,
- Plagiarized content will be highlighted and brought to the authors’ attention for clarification or correction.
- Depending on the extent and severity of the plagiarism, manuscripts may be rejected or returned to authors for revisions.
- In cases of serious or repeated plagiarism, AAJFSS may notify the authors’ institutions or funding agencies, and the manuscript may be permanently rejected or retracted post-publication.
- Authors found guilty of plagiarism may be subject to a temporary or permanent ban from submitting to AAJFSS and other actions deemed necessary to uphold academic integrity.
- In case of plagiarism detected after publication of the article, the article can be retracted (please see AAJFSS’s correction and retraction policy).
Preventing plagiarism
Authors submitting to AAJFSS are encouraged to take the following steps to prevent plagiarism:
- Clearly cite and reference all sources used in the manuscript.
- Attribute all quoted or paraphrased content appropriately.
- Seek permission for the use of any copyrighted material.
- Avoid self-plagiarism by properly citing and referencing any prior work that is used in the manuscript.
- Use plagiarism detection software to check the manuscript before submission.
Plagiarism induced by repository deposition of thesis or manuscript
Authors who intend to submit manuscripts or theses to AAJFSS that have been previously deposited in institutional, preprint, or other repositories must adhere to the following guidelines to prevent repository-induced plagiarism:
- Citation and attribution: Authors must provide proper citation and attribution to the repository where the manuscript or thesis was initially deposited. The name of the repository and the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if available, must be clearly mentioned.
- Originality and copyright: Authors are responsible for ensuring that the material deposited in repositories, including manuscripts or theses, is their original work or complies with copyright and licensing agreements. If any part of the deposited material is not their own work, appropriate permission must be obtained and cited.
- Paraphrasing and attribution: In cases where authors reuse portions of text or content from their previously deposited work, they must rephrase or paraphrase the content and provide clear attribution to the original repository deposit.
- Submission clarification: During the manuscript submission process, authors must clearly state in the cover letter, if the manuscript or thesis has been deposited in a repository. This information is vital for transparent and ethical review.
Review Policy
Articles submitted to Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are subject to strict peer-reviewing. Once a manuscript passes the initial checks, it will be assigned to at least two independent experts for peer-review. The journal operates a single blind peer-review (the reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities). Peer review comments are confidential and will only be disclosed with the express agreement of the reviewer.
Key characteristics of peer review process are listed below:
- All research articles are reviewed by at least two suitably qualified experts.
- A reviewer that accepts the invitation will be given 21 days to complete a review. After 21 days the review becomes overdue. If the reviewer doesn’t respond to the personal email, the manuscript invitation will be withdrawn and the next reviewer will be invited.
- The corresponding author will receive an email once reviewers submit the comments to AAJFSS. Editor will check the comments and forward it to the corresponding author with or without further comments. The corresponding author has to submit the revised manuscript as per editorial and reviewers comments within 3 weeks. If the corresponding author does not submit the revised version within 3 weeks of sending the revision letter, the article will be considered rejected, and the article metadata will be deleted from the system.
- If necessary, a revised manuscript will be sent to the reviewers who initially reviewed the article.
- All publication decisions are made finally by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief or a suitable editorial board member on the basis of the reviews provided.
- If all processes from complete submission to revision go smoothly, then 6-8 weeks are usually required to reach a conclusion (Acceptance/Rejection).
Copyright Policy
All articles published in Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are open access, which means the articles are universally and freely available online. In addition, the authors retain copyright of their article, and grant any third party the right to use, reproduce and disseminate the article. Allowing the authors to retain copyright of their work permits wider distribution of their work on the condition it is correctly attributed to the authors. All newly published articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Self-Archiving Policy
AAJFSS’s self-archiving policy is aimed at promoting open access to scientific research and encouraging the dissemination of knowledge. It allows researchers to share their findings more widely and ensures that the work is not locked behind paywalls or restricted access.
The self-archiving policy of AAJFSS allows authors to self-archive their research works at any stage of the publication process, including pre-submitted manuscripts, submitted manuscripts, manuscripts under review, accepted manuscripts, and published articles. This policy empowers authors to store their own scholarly work in their respective institutional repositories or non-profit subject-based preprint servers. It is important to note that this self-archiving privilege is extended to authors for non-commercial purposes, in line with our commitment to fostering open access and the wider dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Pre-submitted manuscript
Authors are strongly encouraged to share their pre-submission manuscript on preprint servers or repositories prior to submitting it to AAJFSS. This proactive step enables authors to engage with researchers and experts in their specific field, even before the completion of the publication process in AAJFSS. This early dissemination can potentially lead to increased citations for the author’s work.
A note in the cover letter during submission should include details about the pre-submitted manuscript, such as the name of the repository where it is deposited and the corresponding DOI number. This information ensures transparency and allows for easy accessibility to the pre-submitted work.
It is the responsibility of the author to communicate with the assigned editor regarding any voluntary comments received from subject experts in the deposited repositories. While AAJFSS adheres to its own editorial and review policy, the journal also values and respects rigorous comments provided by subject experts on the deposited manuscript. The ultimate decision on whether to incorporate these voluntary comments into the final review and revision process lies with the assigned editor.
Submitted manuscript
Authors are permitted to archive their manuscripts after submitting them to the journal but prior to the initiation of the peer review process. To ensure transparency and proper documentation, authors are required to send an email to the journal’s editorial office. This email should include details about the repository where the manuscript is archived, along with the corresponding DOI number.
Under review state
Authors are granted permission to archive their manuscripts even while the material is undergoing review by the journal’s editors and reviewers. To uphold transparency and maintain accurate documentation, authors must send an email to the journal’s editorial office. This email should contain pertinent information regarding the repository in which the manuscript is archived, in addition to the associated DOI number.
Accepted manuscripts
After the journal has accepted the manuscript for publication, authors have the liberty to archive the accepted version, typically the final version authored by the author before any formatting or copyediting by the journal. In line with the commitment to transparency and accurate documentation, authors are required to send an email to the journal’s editorial office. This email should include essential details regarding the repository where the manuscript is archived, along with the corresponding DOI number.
Published articles
After the article has been formally published in the journal, authors retain the privilege to archive it. At this juncture, it is crucial to update the DOI associated with the pre-print to the one provided by the journal for the published version. Authors are actively encouraged to disseminate and share the published article through various means, including but not limited to social media platforms (such as Facebook, X.com, LinkedIn), research platforms (like ResearchGate, Academia.edu, SlideShare, Figshare, PublicationsList.org), institutional repositories (on the university website or research platforms), personal websites, and blogs. This approach supports wider dissemination and access to the published research.
Publication Frequency
This journal annually publishes two issues (May and November) under the continuous publication model, beginning with Volume 6, Issue 2. This means that as soon as an article is ready to be published, it will be immediately assigned to an issue online rather than waiting for other articles to be completed, resulting in faster access to the final version.
Article Processing Charge
All articles featured in the Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are made available to the public through an open access format. An Article Processing Charge (APC) is imposed on papers that have successfully undergone the peer-review process and have been accepted for publication. The specific APC rates are outlined below for your reference. It is important to note that AAJFSS does not levy any charges for manuscript submission, editorial processing, page usage, or color printing. Furthermore, it is imperative to mention that AAJFSS does not impose any fees for the withdrawal of manuscripts. Additionally, we provide the opportunity for the publication of errata, corrigenda, addenda, corrections, and retractions at no cost to the authors.
Inland: Authors of Bangladesh will be levied @ BD Tk. 10,000/- per accepted manuscript.
Foreign: Author(s) of manuscripts originating from outside Bangladesh have to pay @ US $ 200 for each accepted article.
Payment Options
1. You can make your payment directly into our bank account (please check invoice) and e-mail the bank wire transfer receipt to us.
2. If you want to make your payment through Western Union, Money Gram, International Money Express (IME), Xpress Money, Prabhu USA, TransFast, Merchantrade International Remittance System (MIRS), bKash, or any other means, please write an e-mail to: editor.ebupress.aajfss@gmail.com. We will respond to you with further instructions on how you can pay the APC of an accepted article.
Source of Support
Article processing charges (APCs) received from authors.