About the Journal
Aims and Objectives
International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS) welcomes papers both theoretical and applied from all branches of Statistics. It also welcomes papers from other disciplines having significant statistical theory and/or applications. Invited papers from distinguished Statisticians on pre-selected topics may be published. Each issue will have an Editorial note made by the Editor-in-Chief. “Instructions for Authors” is published in each issue of the journal. The back cover page of each issue will present the title of the papers together with the names of the authors. The journal is published annually by the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, but special issues may be published. The copyright of the journal is reserved by the publishers.
Aims and Objectives
IJSS shall welcome papers both theoretical and applied from all branches of Statistics. It shall also welcome papers from other disciplines where high quality of statistical applications are made. Invited papers from distinguished Statisticians on pre-selected topics may be published. Each issue shall be forwarded by an Editorial note made by the Editor-in-Chief. An `Instruction for Authors' shall be published in each issue of the journal. The back cover page of each issue shall present the title of the papers together with the name of the authors.
The Editorial Board
The Academic Committee of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi shall form the editorial board of IJSS. The editorial board shall be headed by an Editor-in-Chief who shall be one of the most renowned statisticians. The publication of the journal and all of the official activities of IJSS shall be done by an Executive Editor assisted by three Associate Editors. The Executive Editor and Associate Editors must be members of the academic staff of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi. The number of the editorial board members should not exceed 30. At least 3 of them will be the members of academic staff of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi. At least 2 of the editorial board members will be selected among the renowned alumnus of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi. Eminent Statisticians from home and abroad shall fill up the remaining positions of the Editorial Board, at least two-fifth of them must come from outside of Bangladesh. The publishers reserve the right to change the entire or a part of the Editorial Board. All decisions about the journal shall be taken by the Editorial Board.
Advisory Committee
The academic committee of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi shall form the advisory committee of IJSS. The number of the advisory committee members should not exceed 15. Renowned as well as experienced Statisticians from different corners of the globe shall be the members of this committee.
The Publication Committee
The publication committee of IJSS shall consist of six members. This committee shall be headed by the Executive Editor. Three Associate Editors shall also be the members of this committee. The other two members of this committee shall be nominated by the academic committee of the Department of Statistics among the board members belonging to the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi. The publication committee shall supervise the printing process of this journal. The publication committee shall be accountable to the academic committee of the Department for their activities.
System of Referring
Each of the manuscripts shall be reviewed by two referees. Among the two referees one must come from abroad. If both of the referees recommend the manuscript for publication without any modification it will be accepted in straight way. If any one or both of the referees accept the paper with minor/major correction, the manuscript shall be sent to the respective author together with the referees' report for possible correction. After the correction is made the manuscript shall be sent again to the referees and the procedure shall continue until the referees' recommendations are positive or negative. In case of divided opinion of the referees the manuscript must be sent to the third referee who must be an overseas referee. The decision for the publication of the paper shall be made on the majority basis. Each successful author shall receive a copy of the journal on payment of Tk.1000.00 (abroad US $50.00) in advance. The list of the reviewers for each issue of the journal shall be printed in it. Each reviewer of a particular issue shall receive a copy of the journal free of cost. Articles published in IJSS shall be abstracted in an international Abstracting Journal.
The Academic Committee of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, reserves the right to amend this constitution by the two-third majority of its members.
Review Process
All papers published in this journal are peer reviewed. All submissions are initially assessed for suitability by the Editorial Manager(s). After the initial assessment, submissions are single-blind peer-reviewed by two independent, anonymous expert reviewers and the assigned Handling Editor. The Handling Editor will recommend a decision to the Editor-in-Chief who is responsible for making the final decision.
The editor(s) will decide whether the submission is suitable to be sent out for review. This review process can take up to 1–2 months. If you have concerns about the timetable, we encourage you to discuss these with the journal's editor(s). The editor(s) will make a decision regarding your paper based on the reviewer reports. It is common for an article not to be accepted in first draft and you may be asked to revise and resubmit.
Once accepted, your manuscript will be prepared for publication. At this stage you will usually be asked to sign a form to define copyright terms. Submission of a manuscript for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author to the journal upon acceptance. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of this journal and may not be reproduced by any means in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
Potential conflicts of interests
Authors of articles must disclose any conflicts of interest they may have with the publication, any institutions or products mentioned in the article, or any products that compete with those mentioned in the article. This is especially important if the authors are part of the editorial board. All conflicts of interest must be clearly stated.
All manuscripts for articles, original research reports, editorials, comments, reviews, book reviews, and letters submitted to the journal must include a conflict of interest disclosure statement or a declaration by the authors that they do not have any conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical issues
When conducting research on human subjects, it is important to follow the ethical standards outlined in the Helsinki Declaration and obtain approval from a responsible committee or ethics board. This includes obtaining informed consent from adult participants and assent from children over the age of 7 (or whatever age is specified by regional or national guidelines). Confidentiality should be maintained by not disclosing personal information such as names or hospital numbers, especially in illustrations. When conducting research on animals, it is important to follow guidelines or laws on animal care and use, and use humane procedures. Evidence of ethical committee approval must be provided upon request. The journal will not accept papers that are unethical in any way. A statement on ethics committee approval and ethical practices must be included in the "Materials and Methods" section of all research articles.
Publication Frequency
International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS) is published twice in a year (March and November) two issues (one volume) each year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Article Processing Fees
Our journal is free to everyone. Full text of all the contents is always available. IJSS shall invite academic-interested persons from home and abroad to be the distinguished life members and life members of this journal. The membership fee for distinguished life members shall be Tk.10,000.00 (abroad US $500.00) (any amount over this fee is welcome). The life membership fee shall be Tk.2000.00 (abroad US $100.00). The annual membership fee shall be Tk.200.00 (abroad US $10.00) for every year. All members of IJSS shall receive a free copy of each issue of this journal. A photograph and a short biography of each of the distinguished life members shall be published in the current issue of the journal. IJSS shall also welcome donations from individuals, different government and non-government institutions and donor agencies. It may also seek advertisements from various organizations/companies. The Executive Editor of IJSS and the Chairman of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, will run the bank account of IJSS jointly. A general meeting of all members of IJSS, members of Academic Staff of the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, and donor agencies will be held at least once in two years to discuss various issues regarding the publication of the journal.
Payment is requested by Pay order or Demand Draft In favor of Swift Code: AGBKBDDH 027, International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS), A/C#0200002209562, Agrani Bank, Rajshahi University Branch, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
Source of Support
Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi will bear all the costs of publication of the journal. Editors work voluntarily without any payment or salary and also sponsored by Professor Emeritus Dr. Mukhtar Mohammed Ali.
Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205