Pre-scaling up of ground nut varieties in selected districts of West and Kellem Wollega zones, Ethiopia


  • Hika Tasfa Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Haro Sebu Agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 10, Haro sebu, Ethiopia
  • Damaksa Umar Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Haro Sebu Agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 10, Haro sebu, Ethiopia



Farmers, Feedback, FREG, Groundnut, Pre scaling up, Manipinter


The study was conducted in Dale sadi, Dale wabera and Sayo districts of Kellem wollega Zone and Gimbi districts of west Wollega zone for two consecutive years of production(2016/17 and 2017/18 G.C ) on farmers’ field. The objective of the study was to pre-scale up and popularize the best-performing and preferred groundnut variety in the study area. The study addressed a total of 90 farmers in the two years of the project span. From a total of 90 farmers, male represents 73 and female 17. During farmers’ selection process, both female and male farmers were incorporated so as to avoid gender bias. Training was given to the selected farmers, development agents and district experts about improved groundnut technologies production and management. Full packages of the technologies were provided. Variety Manipinter was planted on plot area of 0.25ha on respective farmers’ field in the study area. The recommended rate of NPS 100kg/ha and Row planting method with the spacing of 60cm between rows and 10cm between plants were used respectively. To enhance farmer’s knowledge on Groundnut training was given for target community on agronomic practice of Groundnut. During training a total of 117 target communities were participated on training out of which 84 were male and 33 were male. An average production of 14.935 qt/ha and a total of 336 quintal of groundnut yield was harvested during project life span. Finally, farmers feedback concerning technology was collected and incorporated, accordingly the farmers  feel as the Manipinter  have relatively high yield, good seed quality (Grain size, color), disease tolerant than previously used varieties. Generally, since it is impossible to address all farmers only by the effort of the research center, district agriculture and natural resource bureau in collaboration with zonal agricultural and natural resource office and input supplying NGO’s should hold the turn to scale up the technology in wider scale.

Res. Agric. Livest. Fish. Vol. 10, No. 2, August 2023: 147-153


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How to Cite

Hika Tasfa, & Damaksa Umar. (2023). Pre-scaling up of ground nut varieties in selected districts of West and Kellem Wollega zones, Ethiopia. Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, 10(2), 147–153.


