Effect of different rearing systems on the growth and survival of Gold fish (Carassius auratus)
Goldfish, Cistern, Pond, Growth, SurvivalAbstract
The study was conducted to compare the effect of three different fry rearing systems such as: hapa, cistern and pond on the growth and survival of goldfish (Carassius auratus ) fry. A total of 645 fry (mean initial weight: 0.0071 mg) were randomly distributed in the three treatments (systems) each having three replications. The stocking density was same in all the treatments with respect to the water volume of the systems which was 10 fry/hapa, 125 fry/cistern and 80 fry/pond. The trial lasted for 40 days. The water quality parameters were favorable in all the treatments during the period of the study. The growth and survival of goldfish fry varied among the systems. Highest average weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) were observed in pond followed by hapa and cistern. On the other hand, survival rate was highest in cistern followed by hapa and pond. It can be concluded from the study that the pond was the best system in terms of growth rate and cistern was the best system for survival of gold fish fry.
Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.2(2): 301-306, August 2015
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