Current state and perspectives of the Croatian shipbuilding industry


  • Neven Hadži? University of Zagreb
  • Marko Tomi? Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lu?i?a 5, 10000 Zagreb
  • Nikola Vladimir Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lu?i?a 5, 10000 Zagreb
  • Siniša Ostoji? Croatian Shipbuilding Corporation, Avenija V. Holjevca 20, 10020 Zagreb
  • Ivo Senjanovi? Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lu?i?a 5, 10000 Zagreb



shipbuilding industry, Croatian economy, industrial strategy, Porter’s model, merchant and special ship


Shipbuilding is one of the most important manufacturing industries in Croatia involved in ships and offshore units production, maintenance, repair and installation with a significant impact on Croatian economy and society. Current state of the Croatian shipbuilding industry is presented herein, based on the most recent available data on global and domestic shipbuilding activities and important conclusions and recommendations for its future development are drawn considering current state of the world shipping and shipbuilding databases. Future perspectives are addressed through analysis of current negotiation potential of suppliers and buyers as well as with respect to the rivalry among competitors. An importance of stable financial background and development of the domestic industrial surroundings is pointed out. Along with that, current Croatian industrial 2020 strategy is addressed in order to enhance its application within the existing shipbuilding infrastructure as well as within Croatian economy. Finally, energy, food and entertainment market sectors are pointed out as the most perspective sectors capable of influencing future Croatian society, economy, science and technology.


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Author Biography

Neven Hadži?, University of Zagreb

Faculty of mechanical engineering and naval architecture, Department of naval architecture, Senior Assistant.


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How to Cite

Hadži?, N., Tomi?, M., Vladimir, N., Ostoji?, S., & Senjanovi?, I. (2015). Current state and perspectives of the Croatian shipbuilding industry. Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 12(1), 33–42.


