A Child with Ulcerative Colitis - A Case Report


  • Tariq Hassan Diploma in Paediatric Gastroenterology (UK), Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital
  • Farzana Afroze Honarary Medical Officer, Department of Paediatrics, DMCH
  • Md Abid Hossain Mollah Diploma in Medicine (UK), FACP (Usa), FRCP (Edin. UK), Professor And Head, Department of Paediatrics, DMCH
  • Narayan Saha Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, DMCH
  • Rubaiya Parveen Registrar, Department of Paediatrics, DMCH
  • Anisur Rahman Assistant Registrar, Department of Paediatrics, DMCH
  • Shahana Parveen Assistant Registrar, Department of Paediatrics, DMCH




ulcerative colitis


Ulcerative colitis in children has not been reported previously
in Bangladesh. This case report is of a 7 year old girl who
presented with frequent passage of slimy stool mixed with blood
for 4 months. She also had fever, weight loss, abdominal pain
and urgency at defecation. Barium enema showed pancolitis
with multiple pseudopolyps and collar button appearance.
Colonoscopy revealed a friable and granular mucosa with
diffuse ulceration and multiple pseudopolyps. There was bloody
exudate and the lumen was narrow. Histopathology findings
showed necrosed tissue probably representing a base of ulcer
and inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria. The
crypt architecture was distorted with cryptitis and goblet cell
depletion. There was no granuloma. She was diagnosed as a
case of ulcerative colitis & treated with Sulfasalazine and oral
corticosteroid. Her response to treatment was very well and
now she is on regular follow up.

DOI: 10.3329/jbcps.v28i2.5372

J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2010; 28: 117-120


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How to Cite

Hassan, T., Afroze, F., Mollah, M. A. H., Saha, N., Parveen, R., Rahman, A., & Parveen, S. (2010). A Child with Ulcerative Colitis - A Case Report. Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 28(2), 117–120. https://doi.org/10.3329/jbcps.v28i2.5372



Case Reports