About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS) was founded by National Professor Prof (Dr) Nurul Islam in the year 1989. Since inception, IAHS is committed to improve health status of the community and envisions promoting medical professionals with excellent leadership abilities catering to the technological progress and development needs of the country especially in the medical education and care sector.
IAHS Medical Journal (IAHSMJ) believes research articles enhances the medical knowledge and hence commenced to publish a double blinded peer reviewed medical journal from June 2018. It is recognized by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC) and having International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2709-5037 [P]. The journal publishes article of authors from any part of the globe. But has a special interest in publishing research articles of authors from Bangladesh and of relevance to developing countries. It publishes Editorial, Original (Research) Articles, Special Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Report and Letters on new findings of medical science.
IAHS Medical Journal (IAHSMJ) is published in English, biannually eg. June And December with prior approval of Editorial Board. Appropriate measures have been taken to make the medical journal indexed / abstracted in major international indexing systems including the PubMed/ Medline, Index Medicus, Google Scholar, Doaj, Hinari and Scopus etc.
Review Process
IAHS Medical Journal (IAHSMJ) ensures fast and efficient editorial process.
STEP I: Submission of manuscript by the authors to Editor in Chief or to Managing Editor (both hard and soft copy)
STEP II: Preliminary editing before sending to Peer reviewer. Time span 3-5 days.
STEP III: If the manuscript is considered for review process after preliminary editing, DOUBLE BLINDED Peer Review done. Time Span 05-15days. [All manuscripts are sent with a reviewer’s instruction]
STEP IV: If any correction advised by the reviewer, then manuscript is sent to the author to revise and submit again. Time span 2-5days.
If not, then manuscript is accepted for publication in IAHS MJ.
STEP V: Finally, IAHSMJ Editorial board will select and accept peer reviewed manuscripts for publication in IAHS Medical Journal with or without any minor editorial revision.
Conflict of interest
All authors of the submitted manuscript are requested to fill up a declaration form to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations and submit it along with the manuscript.
IAHS Medical Journal is a double blinded peer reviewed journal. Editors, editorial board members, and reviewers maintain the confidentiality of all details of the editorial and peer review process on submitted manuscripts.
Publication Ethics
Ethical integrity is essential to writing and publication. Important ethical concerns to consider while writing a manuscript include etiquette, fraudulent publication, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship, and potential for conflict of interest. IAHS MJ follows the publication ethics provided by WAME (World Association of Medical Editors), ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) & COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
Study Design and Ethics (Ethics Approval, Informed Consent, and Data Confidentiality)
Authors and researchers must follow the author’s guidelines given by the IAHS MJ Editorial Board and adhere to it during submission of their manuscripts to IAHS MJ.
Documented review and approval from a formally constituted review board (Institutional Review Board or Ethics committee) is must for all studies involving people, medical records, and human tissues and it has to be mentioned in the manuscript. A copy of the approval may be asked to submit during submission of manuscript.
Obtaining informed consent from all the study participants is critical and should not be trivialized by the authors. The editorial board of journals may ask for documented proof of the consent form used by the researchers, and these should be maintained for a minimum of 5 years from the time of termination of the study.
Data Manipulation and Research Fraud
Research fraud refers to publications that report results and draw conclusions from data that are not generated by the study (fabrication) or are generated by manipulating the data (falsification). These offences are also applicable to images that are modified
If editors or reviewers are suspicious at the time of review process, they may ask the authors to disclose the raw datasheets to confirm or alleviate the suspicion.
The use of previously published work by another author in one's own manuscript without consent, credit, or acknowledgment and fraudulently passing it as one's own work is referred to as plagiarism. This is the most common form of scientific misconduct in manuscript writing.
IAHS MJ use plagiarism-checking software that assists editors in identifying such misconduct. Any allegations of Plagiarism will be referred to the Editor-In-Chief, who will review the circumstances in consultation with the co and associate editors.
Simultaneous Submission
At the time of manuscript submission, we obtain a declaration from the authors that the manuscript is original and is not being considered for publication by any other scientific journals. Declaring as such and then disregarding this process is considered as misconduct.
As this type of misconduct occurs at the discretion of the author alone, the onus is on the author to submit to one journal and wait for a decision before submitting to another journal.
All allegations of misconduct will be referred to the Editor-In-Chief, who will review the circumstances in consultation with the co and associate editors.
Duplicate Publication
Submitting a new manuscript containing the same hypotheses, data, discussion points, and/or conclusions as a previously published manuscript is called as duplicate publication. This is similar to plagiarism. Authors must refrain from such misconduct and recognize that this is unethical behavior.
Ethics with Authorship
Every journal has authorship criteria based on the ICMJE guidelines for qualifying to become an author in a manuscript. The ICMJE states, “All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed.” The ICMJE describes three basic criteria that must be collectively met to be credited with authorship:
- Substantial contribution to the conduct of study including its conception and design, data acquisition, statistical analysis, and interpretation
- Drafting or revising the article for intellectual content
- Approval of the final version.
The extent of involvement decides the order of authors. However, the order of authors, especially the first author and corresponding author, can sometimes be a reason for discontentment and disputes. The study team must sort out authorship issues at the time of commencement of the study, and ideally enter into a contract, thereby allocating different roles to authors depending on their authorship order.
Changes to authorship (addition/removal) after acceptance or sometimes after publication is possible if all co-authors agree to this amendment and have individually signed the requisition sent to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
Conflicts of Interest
The author or team of authors must collect and fill up the declaration form and submit it to the managing editor of IAHS MJ to disclose any conflict of interest. The form has to be individually signed by every co-aut
Publication Frequency
The IAHS Medical Journal (IAHSMJ) is published twice in a year (June And December)
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Article Processing Fees
There is no article processing fees.
Source of Support
Funded by Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS)