One-dimensional finite element discretization of crack propagation through parallel computation


  • Md Rajibul Islam Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Norma Alias



Finite Element Method (FEM), Crack Propagation, Parallel computation, Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)


In this study, a new approach of the application of finite element method is presented, to solve the initial stages of crack propagation problems which mean the deformation due to the stress and strain of a material. In early applications of the finite element method for the analysis of crack propagation, the crack-tip motion was modelled by discontinuous jumps. We have implemented one dimensional finite element discretization to solve crack propagation problem. The parallel algorithm with parallel computer system has been used in order to perform the computational analysis of finite element for this study. Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) has been used as a message passing software with Parallel Computer System. The result of this study will be useful in the mathematics and engineering fields. In mathematics, the research will widen the application of finite elements in solving the engineering science problems.

Keywords: Finite Element Method (FEM), Crack Propagation, Parallel computation, Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM).

DOI: 10.3329/diujst.v5i1.4378

Daffodil International University Journal of Science and Technology Vol.5(1) 2010 pp.19-28


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Author Biographies

Md Rajibul Islam, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia

Md. Rajibul Islam received his Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) degree from the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India, in 2004 and just completed his M.Sc degree in Information Technology from Multimedia University, Melaka, Malaysia. Currently he is working as a Research Assistant at Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, in Science Faculty of University Technology Malaysia, Johor. His research interests include High Performance Computing (HPC), Numerical Computation, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence.  

Norma Alias,

Dr. Norma Alias obtained her PhD (Industrial Computing: Parallel Computing) from National University of Malaysia in 2004 and her M.Sc degree in Industrial Computing and BSc in Mathematics from the same University in 1997 and 1991 respectively. Currently, she is working as a Senior lecturer at the Mathematics Department in Faculty of Science, University Technology Malaysia (UTM) and the Researcher Head of High Performance Computing Group as well in Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, UTM. She has published over 100 papers in several referred International journals, conferences, workshops, lecture notes and book chapters. She is a reviewer of several International Journals with high impact factor and association with some International conferences and workshops organized by Ibnu Sina Institute. Her research interests include Industrial Computing, Numerical Computation, and Scientific Computing & High Performance Computing on Distributed Parallel Computer Systems.  


How to Cite

Islam, M. R., & Alias, N. (2010). One-dimensional finite element discretization of crack propagation through parallel computation. Daffodil International University Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 19–28.


