The Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (Bangladesh J Pharmacol) is an open-access, video-component, and peer-reviewed biomedical science journal of the Bangladesh Pharmacological Society (BDPS).
The journal publishes papers on the studies of plant extracts or drugs on pharmacological effects using lab animals, human cell lines, and microbes.
The papers are Research Articles, Mini-review, Meta-analyses, Clinical Trials, Visual Experiments, and Letter to the Editor. Those who want to publish a research article must submit a video clip of one of the methodologies. Mini-reviews and Meta-analyses are usually unsolicited. A letter to the Editor is acceptable where the author(s) has data with minor dissimilarities from others' published data.
The studies on antihypertensive drugs, anti-HIV agents, molecular docking without the data of wet lab, nanotechnology, and polyherbal products are not in the scope of this journal.
The author will not be charged in the form of submission fee, article processing fee or publication fee. It is completely free. We do not publish any advertisement.
The journal publishes four online issues (January, April, July, and October) per year.
Journal Metrics
Journal metrics allow you to compare journals, regardless of their subject classification.
Impact Factor® as reported in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports®: 1.6
CiteScore (2021): 2.0 Current month's CiteScore Tracker
H index (2023): 30 (It means 30 articles of this journal have more than 30 number of citations)
Abstracted/Indexed in
Academic Search Complete, Bangladesh Journals Online, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts, Current Abstracts, Directory of Open Access Journals, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Global Health, Google Scholar, HINARI (WHO), International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Open J-gate, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS and Social Sciences Citation Index
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology is the member of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association), COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), The International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE) and Asian Council of Science Editors.