Solvent Extraction of Fe(III) from Aqueous Chloride Solution by Cyanex 301 Dissolved in Kerosene


  • R. K. Biswas Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • M. R. Ali Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • M. A. Habib Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • S. M. A. Salam Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • A. K. Karmakar Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
  • M. H. Ullah Rajshahi University, Bangladesh



Extraction equilibrium, Fe(III) extraction, Cyanex 301, chloride medium.


The title system has been investigated over a wide range of aqueous acidity. The equilibration time is 1 h. The extraction ratio (D) is independent of [Fe(III)] provided equilibrium [HCl] and [HA] are kept constant. At a constant equilibrium extractant concentration, the [HCl] dependences are -1.6, ~0 and -3 in the [HCl] regions of >3, 2-0.5 and <0.3 M; respectively; whilst at constant [HCl], the [HA] dependence is 3.0. On the other hand, [Cl-] dependence varies within -0.5 to -3 at constant [HCl] of 0.3 M; whereas its values are ~ -1 and ~ 0.63 at constant [HCl] of 3 and 1 M, respectively. Based on these results the extraction mechanisms have been suggested to be + 3 HA(o) ? FeA3(o) + n Cl- + 3 H+ in the low [HCl] region,    + 3 HA(o) + n Cl- ? FeCl3.3HA(o) in the intermediate [HCl] region and HFeCl4 + 3 HA(o) ? FeCl3.3HA(o) + HCl in the high [HCl] region under investigation. The Kex  and ΔH values have been evaluated. Loading capacity is 5.5 g Fe(III)/100 g Cyanex 301. The stripping can be made effective by a mixture of 6 M H2SO4 and 1 M Na2C2O4.

Keywords:  Extraction equilibrium; Fe(III) extraction; Cyanex 301; chloride medium.

© 2011 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.

doi:10.3329/jsr.v3i1.6263                 J. Sci. Res. 3 (1), 97-109 (2011)


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Author Biographies

R. K. Biswas, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Rajshahi University


M. R. Ali, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Rajshahi University


M. A. Habib, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Rajshahi University


S. M. A. Salam, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,

Rajshahi University

Associate Professor

A. K. Karmakar, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

M.Phil Research student

Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering

Rajshahi University

M. H. Ullah, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

M.Sc Thesis Student

Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering

Rajshahi University, Bangladesh




How to Cite

Biswas, R. K., Ali, M. R., Habib, M. A., Salam, S. M. A., Karmakar, A. K., & Ullah, M. H. (2010). Solvent Extraction of Fe(III) from Aqueous Chloride Solution by Cyanex 301 Dissolved in Kerosene. Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1), 97.



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