
  • A K M A Islam Rajshahi University




Journal of Scientific Research




Do we need a new journal? The answer lies in the fact that currently no international journal (online and print) with interdisciplinary character which specifically caters to the academic needs of the international community operates from Bangladesh. This journal aims to fill this lacuna and to be a bridge for the scientists from the east and the west.

This is the first issue of the Journal of Scientific Research (JSR). The idea of launching a journal that hopes to publish quality scientific works was planted in early 2008 during a science faculty meeting at Rajshahi University. Now it is our pleasure to see the idea blossom into the first issue of first volume (1 January 2009) that contains scientific work not only of Asian regions but of much beyond that. The inaugural issue indicates the type of journal we hope to become. It is wide ranging and interdisciplinary. Our contributors include scholars at every stage of their academic career.

As regards editorial policy and scope the Journal of Scientific Research is a peer-reviewed international journal originally intended for publication annually. But due to a satisfactory flow of manuscripts since the first announcements the publication frequency has now been increased to 3 online issues (one print volume) per year.

The journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, addressing all related topics and materials. An international Editorial Board (along with an Advisory Board) comprising of renowned academics from various fields guides our editorial policy and direction. The journal is devoted to the publication of original research (research paper, review paper, short communication) covering the following fields:

Section A:  Physical and Mathematical Sciences:

Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Geophysics, Computer, Environmental Science, Communications and Information Technology, Engineering and related branches.

Section B:  Chemical and Biological Sciences:

Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Biology, Genetics, Fisheries and related branches.

The articles selected for the first issue have been reviewed by two discipline-specialists, and their recommendations have been appropriately incorporated. Submissions from the world research community are encouraged to fulfill our mission and aim for the journal to stand for the international scientific publishing standards.    

It was clear during the planning and development of this first issue that the Asian region needs a forum through which research could be shared and acknowledged. I hope that this journal will soon be recognised by the wider research community as their forum for the dissemination of knowledge. We hope that the journal will not simply act as a place for publication of material, though obviously this is important, but should act as a catalyst for the advancement of science both within and outside the region.

The journal is being published both online and in print. Online publishing, unique in nature, is faster and far less expensive than traditional hard copy publishing. Access of online journals is easier and better images, storage and multimedia are other advantages. I must thank the International Network for the availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) for helping us publish via BanglaJOL â and the help of Ms. Sioux Cumming in this regard is worthy of mention.

The success of a journal depends on the quality of its Editorial Board and the reviewers. The effort that I have seen from them speaks well for the future of the new born journal.  Both the Editorial and Advisory Boards should deserve thanks for their indispensable advice and support during the planning phases of the journal. I should also thank the reviewers who contributed their valuable time to complete reviews within a reasonable time.

I truly hope that the diversity contained in this first issue of the journal will be the hallmark of future issues.


A K M A Islam


email: jsr_editor@ru.ac.bd 

website: www.banglajol.info/index.php/JSR












© 2009 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.3329/jsr.vlil.1703






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Author Biography

A K M A Islam, Rajshahi University


Journal of Scientific Research



Department of Physics

Rajshahi University



How to Cite

Islam, A. K. M. A. (2008). EDITORIAL. Journal of Scientific Research, 1(1), i-iv. https://doi.org/10.3329/jsr.v1i1.1703


