Bangladesh Jounal of Bioethics (BJBio) is the Official Journal of the Bangladesh Bioethics Society. It is a quarterly, doubled–blinded, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. No submission fee, no article processing or publication fee. Each manuscript will be published immediately after acceptance. We do not publish any advertisement. The journal follows the ICMJ recommendations of authorship.
Indexed: Banglajol; DOAJ; HINARY; IMSEAR (WHO); Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research ; ROAD; World Association of Medical Journal Editors (WAME); Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), India,; Web of Science; Globethics.net, Switzerland; Georgetown University Law Library, USA, NCBI , NLM ID=101591288
Member: World Association of Medical Journal Editors (WAME); Globethics.net, Switzerland;
Current Issue
Medical Ethics